SKYPRO is a company that manufactures, sells and manages work uniforms for large companies. They manage everything from concept to delivery. SKYPRO stands out for its leadership in sustainability and innovation.
Challenges and objectives
When SKYPRO came to us, they already had a successful e-commerce in which they sold their uniform products targeted to airline employees. But the real product SKYPRO had was much greater than a marketplace. They created a software targeted at companies through which they could manage all issues related to their uniforms: purchase, tracking, sizing, and forecasts. This information was accessible to SKYPRO through a back office and the challenge was allowing companies to have their own access to this platform. That’s where we came in.
One of our client business goals was to increase and maintain profitability, and the most logical way to do it was to find a solution where there's no relevant competition. So, the challenge to Codepoint’s team was to help expand SKYPRO e-commerce marketplace into relevant SaaS product (software as a service).
For this web app, we identified two types of users: externals and internals. Our main focus was on the external ones: airline companies. This group includes such business models:
The internal user type is SKYPRO Team which can manage the company's online store and work to involve all business components. They already had a back office and our focus was to improve the interface and adapt it to the new SaaS product.
When we started working on the design, we decided to use the colors used on SKYPRO marketplace to preserve branding.
As this web app is quite a big and high-functional product, we decided to create an extensive design system so all dropdowns, buttons, and checkboxes were consistent and easy to work with. The main challenge was to create something that was also customizable for the client's company's branding, because this web app would work as a white label.
Thinking ahead, a new architecture was created for the project in order to allow modular development and scalability. The web app was separated into three different components: back office, front office and API. This new structure allows the servers to make less effort as the whole page wouldn’t be updated with each request, only the parts that are needed, making the overall user experience better as the performance and security also improve.
Solving algorithm
SKYPRO has extensive experience working with companies, and over these years they have realized that the pain point for them is the difficulty in ensuring availability, stockage and reducing waste on uniform production/ordering. They decided to turn this pain point into an opportunity to make their client's lives easier and, at the same time fulfill their business goal.
That’s how the algorithm was created. It predicts necessary items for customers. Based on the customer's workgroup data and influenced by the performance of previous orders, the MySKYPRO algorithm is able to suggest product orders. This was a great way to add value to its product: through creativity and problem-solving.
Each airline company can have its own “store” where they can add custom uniform items. Crew members can automatically order, do the fitting of their uniform and have it delivered to their home. Every time a new crew member enters the team, he first has to schedule a visit with the tailor for him to take his measurements in order to achieve the perfect fit.
In order to ease the management of all employees and their uniforms, we redesigned and helped implement a space where companies can add all necessary information about each team member. It is also a required step for the algorithm to work as it is based on workgroup and staff dotation for each person.
The cockpit is a dashboard customized according to the logged-in user. It was created to give the user an overview of his business through real-time graphics and summary listings. This includes the forecast of previous and current orders, the orders in progress, the number of employees by job, the stock available and so on. A quick and complete overview of everything happening within the company.
Together with SKYPRO we have managed to create an upgraded version of their product, that is valuable and on-demand for their customers. As the management tool worked perfectly with airline companies and is quite universal, SKYPRO was able to make the same value proposition for other industries in which uniforms are a need - expanding its business.